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MyGolfSpy.com PING i230 Irons and iCrossover Utility Irons

Jamka R. Reader

Robot 19.jamky
PING i230 Irons and iCrossover Utility Irons (MyGolfSpy.com)

It’s been so long since PING released an i2-something iron that I had to go back and check to make sure I hadn’t missed a release. Astonishing as it may be, the i210 iron has been current in the PING lineup since late summer of 2018.

That’s a hell of a run.

Score another for COVID, I suppose, but it’s crazy to think that PING’s update schedule for what is arguably the most versatile iron in its lineup isn’t too far out of whack with how often golfers typically replace their irons.

Seriously, if you bought the i210 when they released, enough time has passed that you can probably get approval for a new set.

“Honey, it’s been four years.”

I don’t keep my kids that long. Relax, it’s a joke. I only have one and I continue to tolerate her existence in my house.

Anyway …

a photo of the PING i230 iron

i230 – Typical PING​

If you’re looking for an above-average dose of hyperbole, you’ve come to the wrong place. As per usual, PING is offering improved performance. I’d argue aesthetic refinement as well but, as is typical for the company, the release is understated, leaving the product to mostly speak for itself.

PING describes the i230 as a “Player’s Iron Everyone Can Play.” It’s an apt description given the i230’s position in the middle of the PING lineup. While “i” denotes PING’s “better player” series, the i230 sits at the far edge of the category. I’d argue it approaches, perhaps even straddles, the line between player’s and game improvement.

In my estimation, it’s an iron a 15-handicap could play though it retains enough “player’s” appeal that low handicaps (including Tour pros) won’t find much not to like.

a technical drawing of the PING i230 iron

PING i230 Iron Improvements​

A good bit of the improvements to the i230 come by way of advancements in activated elastomer technology. Seriously.

It’s the stuff PING uses behind the face to dampen vibrations and improve the sound and feel experience.

The new activated elastomer is lighter and, well, you should know the rest.

With some weight removed from the elastomer, PING was able to push additional mass low in the head. The lower center of gravity helped unlock a bit of extra distance (PING says i230 is three yards longer than i210) and, along with tungsten weights in the tip and toe, helped provide a bit of an MOI (forgiveness bump) as well.

Better players will appreciate that the extra distance doesn’t introduce any unpredictability into performance. Added distance is great but not when it comes with hot spots.

a photo of the PING i230 iron

Improved Sound and Feel​

Improved sound and feel are part of the i230 story as well.

It seems we find ourselves talking about modal analysis quite a bit lately and so here we go again. As it applies to the PING i230 irons, PING’s engineers isolated what they deemed to be undesirable frequencies and reengineered the cavity badge to effectively filter them out. That gets you more more pleasing sound and feel.

The badge itself is a four-piece design that combines injection-molded thermoplastic with a stainless steel cap. The elastomer sits in what PING describes as a toaster-style pocket hidden behind the badge.

It all comes together in what I think is the cleanest i2-series iron to date.

a photo of the PING i230 iron

PING i230 Iron Shaping​

Not much else has changed

As far as notable changes to the design are concerned, there’s nothing radically different in the overall shape. The 3-5 irons are slightly more compact than the i210 equivalents but otherwise things like blade length, sole width and offset are largely consistent with their predecessors.

MicroMax and Hydropearl 2.0​

As with other PING irons, you get milled MicroMax grooves designed to optimize trajectory throughout the set. That’s paired with PING’s moisture repelling Hyrdropearl 2.0 finish to help ensure consistent spin (at least as consistent as it can be), even in damp conditions.

PING i230 – Specs and Pricing​

The PING i230 irons are available in 3-9, PW and UW. As has become standard practice for PING, the i230s are available in standard, Power Spec (jacked) and Retro Spec (sensibly weakened) lofts.

The stock shaft offerings are Dynamic Gold 105 (R300, S300) and PING’s Alta CB Black (graphite). Optional stock shafts include the PING AWT 2.0, Dynamic Gold (S300, X100), Dynamic Gold 120, KBS Tour, Nippon Modus 105, True Temper Elevate and UST Recoils 760 ES SMAC (A – flex) and 790 ES SMAC (regular and stiff).

Retail price starts at $187.50 per club.

PING iCrossover​

a photo of the PING iCrossover Utility

Launched in parallel with the i230 irons is what PING is calling a Player’s Crossover.

Your quick rewind here: the Crossover is PING’s take on a utility club (definitely not driving irons). Past iterations of the crossover have fallen under PING’s G (game-improvement) series which always struck me as a bit odd insomuch as the G crowd is likely more of a hybrid-favoring group.

Arccos-Inspired Redesign​

After looking through on-course data collected with Arccos-enabled PING clubs, the company came to the realization that most Crossover users are better players.

I probably could have told you that without Arccos data but, regardless, that little bit of insight inspired the company to shift its Crossover from the G- to the i-series.

iCrossover – New Shaping​

With that, the new iCrossover has similar shaping to an i230 iron. The new model is also about ¼” shorter on average. The idea is for the iCrossover to blend seamlessly with that set of i230s you just got approval to buy.

Compared to previous Crossovers, the iCrossover is more compact: shorter from heel to toe. It also has less offset which gives it a more Tour-style appearance.

PING iCrossover Construction​

The iCrossover remains a hollow-body design that pairs a thin maraging steel face with a 17-4 stainless steel body. A small internal cavity with an EVA polymer works to deliver desirable sound and feel.

As with the i230, the iCrossover also offers MicroMax grooves and a Hydropearl 2.0 finish.

a technical image showing the adjustable hosel of the PING iCrossover

Hosel Adjustability​

For the first time, PING has added an adjustable hosel to its Crossover offering. The eight-position adapter delivers 1.5 degrees of adjustability in either direction along with upright settings. That provides fitters (and DIYers) the ability to more precisely dial in their ideal ball flight.

PING iCrossover Specs and Pricing​

The iCrossover is available in 2XR (18 degrees), 3XR (20 degrees) and 4XR (22.5 degrees).

The stock shaft is a PING Tour 2.0 Chrome (85 grams in R, S and X). Optional graphite offerings include the PING Alta CB, Mitsubishi Ka’Li White 80 and the Project X HZRDUS Smoke Red RDX 70HY.

Retail price for the PING iCrossover is $249.

Pre-orders for both the i230 irons and iCrossover begin immediately.

For more information, visit PING.com.

The post PING i230 Irons and iCrossover Utility Irons appeared first on MyGolfSpy.

Pokračovat ve čtení...
Já už bych asi do želez od Pingu podruhé nešel, nehrají se špatně, to vůbec ne, ale rychlost opotřebení, když to srovnám s Mizunem je neuvěřitelná, po roce vypadají hůř než Mizuna po čtyřech. Mizí ta barevná výplň u čísel holí, úderová plocha taky hodně ohraná, čekal jsem to lepší. Jasný, na hru to vliv nemá ale ty MP18 i po 4 letech vypadali jako nové = bylo velmi snadné je prodat.
Já už bych asi do želez od Pingu podruhé nešel, nehrají se špatně, to vůbec ne, ale rychlost opotřebení, když to srovnám s Mizunem je neuvěřitelná, po roce vypadají hůř než Mizuna po čtyřech. Mizí ta barevná výplň u čísel holí, úderová plocha taky hodně ohraná, čekal jsem to lepší. Jasný, na hru to vliv nemá ale ty MP18 i po 4 letech vypadali jako nové = bylo velmi snadné je prodat.
Ty jo, to bych cekal presne obracene. Ze Ping zeleza budou takovy delnici golfu, zvlast u starsich modelu to tak bylo.
Ono i s tímhle půjde hrát léta, to jsou jen kosmetické vady, na hru to vliv nemá.
Co se týče herní stránky, tak utility ping je TOP třída. Nicméně nevím jak moc je to časté, ale když jsem nechal po dvou letech opravovat feruli, tak mi fitter řekl, že musel sundat celou hlavu, protože se kvrdlala a zjistil, že ten shaft byl tak neskutečně obroušený, že ho museli doplňovat tunou lepidla, aby to v té hlavě vůbec drželo. Tohle mi přijde dost smutný, že už to přišlo z výroby. Museli mi to oblepit páskou a nějak vyztužit, tu feruli jsem pak nechával opravovat 3x za měsíc, když slezla počtvrté, tak už jsem se na to vysral...
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