Tak jsem na to jeste koukal a nasel rozhodnuti, ktere asi pomuze vyresit tuto zahadu.
Meaning of "Repair"
Q.During a round, a player may repair a club damaged in the normal course of play, or he may have it repaired by someone else. What does the term "repair" mean within the context of Rule 4-3a(ii)?
A.The term "repair" in Rule 4-3a(ii) means to restore the club, as nearly as possible, to its condition prior to the incident that caused the damage. In doing so, the player is limited to the grip, shaft and clubhead used to comprise the club at the beginning of the stipulated round or, in the case of a club later added, when the club was selected for play.
When a club is damaged to the extent that the grip, shaft or clubhead has to be changed, this change exceeds what is meant by the term "repair." Such action constitutes replacement and is only permitted if the club was "unfit for play" - see Rule 4-3a(iii).
Jak to vnimam, tak pravidla davaji hraci moznost hul opravit, nicmene musi pouzit stavajici komponenty. Teprve, kdyz toto udelat z nejakeho duvodu nelze, pak se hul stava "unfit for play". Dava to smysl: pokud to umi hrac nejak vyresit, nebude to zdrzovat a vysledkem je tataz hul, pak je dovoleno to opravit. Pokud je treba vymenit komponenty nebo nemam material, pak tak ucinit nelze, a prichazi na radu mozna vymena. Tyka se to pouze zavad, ktere vznikly "
damaged in the normal course of play" (tedy ne umyslne, ve vzteku atp.).
Toto je asi i duvod, proc je povoleno prisroubovat hlavu driveru. Technicky totiz upadla hlava putteru ci driveru (sroubovy spoj) je to same, nicmene lisi se mozna narocnost opravy, a tedy i realne reseni situace.
Nyni se tedy dostavame k moznosti lepeni cizim lepidlem.
Pravidla jasne zakazuji uzit komponenty holi nesene jinym hracem. Nicmene toto pravidlo plati pro bod 4-3a iii, ktere resi jiz vymenu hole za jinou. Nikoliv samotnout opravu a mluvi se o komponentach! Nenasel jsem nic k materialu na opravu, a tak se domnivam, ze lze uzit lepidlo kohokoliv. Dalsim dukazem muze byt, ze dle 4-4a/15 je zrejme, ze oprava v clubhousu je mozna pomoci vsech prostredku. V treti casti otazky se uvadi priklad, kdy jsou komponenty privezeny hraci na hriste, a primo na hristi se sestavi hul. I zde je vse v poradku a bez trestu. Zadne reci o lepidlech, paskach nic. Resi se pouze to, ze nahradni komponenty nesmi pochazet od nikoho z turnaje (neb jde o onu vymenu). Komponenty jsou shaft, hlava a grip.
V turnaji dle meho doslo ke spatne aplikaci 4-3a iii, kde je zakazano uzit komponent od jinych hracu urcenych na replacement hole. Lepidlo navic neni nikde zmineno jako komponent.
Pro zajimavost jeste dodam, ze dle 4-3/3 kdy je puvodne hul ohnuta, a pri pokusu o opravu zcela rozbita. I tato situace je povazovana za "occurred in the normal course of play" a je mozne ji zkusit pouzit jak je, opravit nebo vymenit. Tim lze opet ilustrovat, ze unfit for play je stav, ktery nastava az na konci vsech pokusu o napravu.
@Yahuu dava smysl?
A jeste tu mam pro
@doktordee k tematu vychazkove hole:
Club Broken While Used as Cane
A player uses one of his clubs as a cane while climbing a hill and the shaft breaks. May he replace the club during the round?
Yes. A club broken in such circumstances is considered to have become “damaged in the normal course of play” as its use as a cane is considered a reasonable act – see Decision 4-3/1.
Hul uzita jako vychazkova (coz je "Cane") nahodne zlomena pri teto cinosti je povazovana za "
damaged in the normal course of play".